Glossary - OregonDigital/OD2 GitHub Wiki

The main discovery interface for our Solr index, providing browsing, searching and filtering interfaces for content and full-text.
A graph database, also called a triplestore, we use to store any retrieved linked data or JSON responses from external data sources, such as the Library of Congress or Getty.
CV - Controlled Vocabulary
A standardized and curated arrangement of words and phrases that provides a consistent way to identify and describe data. Metadata creators assign terms from vocabularies to improve information retrieval. We use many different vocabularies as appropriate, and publish several of our own through (see below). For Oregon Digital, we group related vocabularies into Controlled Vocabularies (Creator, Scientific, etc.) which then can apply to a metadata field and allow only values from an included vocabulary. The MAP has a tab listing what we use.
OD2_MAP: Controlled Vocabularies
For most content file types, we create derivative files, such as thumbnails, for better presentation in viewers or search results. For more info see Derivatives
Fedora (aka fcrepo)
An open source digital repository system that stores and manages our digital content files and metadata.
An open-source repository front-end powered by Samvera community technologies, and integrating many parts such as Fedora, Solr and Blacklight.
IIIF - International Image Interoperability Framework
A standard set of APIs for sharing images and complex materials, usually with an image server (we use RAIS), including canvas sizes and capabilities. Presented as a manifest file (IIIF Manifest) that is then loaded by a IIIF-compliant viewer, in our case Universal Viewer.
Example IIIF Manifest for Image
Example IIIF Manifest for Document
Linked Data
A way to describe metadata using URIs, instead of only text strings, to denote entities and concepts, and link other vocabularies or data systems. In our metadata, when a concept such as a name is assigned to content, only the URI is stored in Fedora. Then other parts of the system 'fetch' the rest of the data from the external endpoint. This is stored in Blazegraph, cached for future lookups, and labels are indexed into Solr.
Example URI for LC Name Authority File for Oregon:
MAP - Metadata Application Profile
A spreadsheet detailing all metadata field specifications.
A simple API to allow content to appear on other sites. Oregon Digital allows for creating works and providing an oEmbed link instead of a file upload, for cases where content already exists in another system and is better managed there. The main use case is providing access to video from campus systems, such as OSU's MediaSpace. We don't have to manage the video directly, but we can still assign the metadata we want for findability.
OAI-PMH - Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
A protocol developed for harvesting metadata descriptions of records in an archive. Oregon Digital is set up as a Repository that can be harvested periodically.
Oregon Digital OAI Endpoint:
Opaque Namespace
A linked data service we manage for publishing our own vocabularies, authority data and predicates.
RAIS - Rodent-Assimilated Image Server
A IIIF-compliant, 100% open source image server for blazing-fast deep zooming.
A search platform built on Apache Lucene. Our content and metadata is indexed and searchable and Solr provides facets and filters as well.
UV - Universal Viewer
Our main content viewer, for viewing, zooming, rotating, and searching.
Sometimes referred to as middleware, Valkyrie is a Ruby gem enabling multiple backends for storing content files and metadata.
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