Configurable facets in Collections - OregonDigital/OD2 GitHub Wiki

To enable a collection to have configurable facets, a collection type has to exist that has the "Facet Configurable" option enabled. This can only be done on a collection type immediately after it has been created. After you create the collection type, do not navigate away from the page. Click the "Settings" tab, click the checkbox for "Facet Configurable" and hit the save button.

WARNING: If you navigate away from this page after a collection type was created, you will not be able to change the settings.

Once a collection type with the "Facet Configurable" option is created, navigate to the collections page. Here a collection can be created. Make sure that the proper collection type is chosen and create your collection.

Once the collection is created, navigate to the facets tab and begin enabling the facets you wish to display when searching inside that collection.

There is also the possibility of setting that facets label to something that makes sense for said collection. This is to help make a users interaction with that collection more understandable and meaningful.