Village Generation - OreCruncher/ThermalRecycling GitHub Wiki

Thermal Recycling adds a small village structure to world generation. A Vending Machine will be placed and populated with random Vanilla merchant trades. The Vending Machine will be owned by the mod and will have an external name of Vend-O-nnnn where nnnn is the Villager profession used to populate the Vending Machine.

The content of the Vending Machine will be random based on the Villager professions in Minecraft. When the Vending Machine is placed by worldgen, the mod will randomly select a profession, and based on that profession will randomly select up to 6 trades to configure. The quantity of an item for trade is random and enough material is added to the Vending Machine inventory to cover.

Profession Weight Tweaker Name Comments
Farmer 100 N/A Vanilla gen
Librarian 50 N/A Vanilla gen
Priest 75 N/A Vanilla gen
Blacksmith 100 N/A Vanilla gen
Butcher 100 N/A Vanilla gen
Herder 80 msg.VendoFormat.Herder Spawn eggs for vanilla livestock (cows, chickens, sheep, etc.)
Arborist 100 msg.VendoFormat.Arborist Vanilla logs and saplings
Hunter 50 msg.VendoFormat.Hunter Trades for drops, such as bones, spider eyes, blaze rods, and skulls
Tinker 50 msg.VendoFormat.Tinker Rails of various types, pistons, daylight sensor, etc.
Dyer 80 msg.VendoFormat.Dyer Sells various color dyes

This world generation feature can be modified using the configuration file:

# Controls whether mod specific village generation will occur [default: true]
B:"Enable Village Worldgen"=true

# Maxium number of vending machines to generate in a village [range: 1 ~ 5, default: 1]
I:"Village Structure Count"=1

# Relative weight for structure during village generation (higher = more common) [range: 1 ~ 1000, default: 10]
I:"Village Structure Weight"=10

# Enables extra Village Gen vending types for Vending Machine [default: true]
B:"Enable Extra Village Vending Types"=true


  • Only vanilla Minecraft trades are available. Mod specific NPC merchant trades are not included. This is done so that mod authors can develop their own gameplay mechanics.
  • Players will be able to buy/sell to the limits of the items configured in the Vending Machine.
  • Vending Machines owned by Thermal Recycling cannot be broken by players. Also, the Vending Machine will not drop it’s inventory when blown up, but the Vending Machine itself may drop. An OP can break the Vending Machine, but the inventory will not drop.
  • Item transport pipes cannot connect to a village generated Vending Machine regardless of the configuration settings.
  • Custom vending professions can be created using MineTweaker scripts.
  • Existing custom vending professions can be modified. Builtin vanilla trades cannot be modified using this API.
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