Thermal Recycler - OreCruncher/ThermalRecycling GitHub Wiki

The Thermal Recycler is a machine that accepts items and breaks them down into smaller parts. Without a core upgrade, the Thermal Recycler will scrap the item turning it into Inferior, Standard, or Superior scrap. There is a chance, though, that the item will be lost and nothing will be gained.

The Thermal Recycler has several operational modes depending on the core upgrade installed:

Core Energy Required Description
No core 800 The Recycler operates in scrapping mode. Items it accepts will be scrapped based on the items scrap quality rating. Scrap yield rate is not as good as having a decomposition core, but it’s fast.
Core: Decomposition 1600 The Recycler will attempt to break the item down into it’s component parts. During this process it is possible that a component could be lost, made into scrap, or turned into dust.
Core: Extraction 3200 The Recycler will only accept Scrap and Scrap Boxes. These have a chance of being converted into metallic dust, or converted into a higher tier piece of scrap.

The Recycler has an internal energy storage of 60000 RF. The device will charge at the rate of 120RF/t, and will use 40RF/t during operations. The use rate is constant meaning that depending on the core installed the time required to process an item will change.

The recipes that the Thermal Recycler uses are derived from the crafting recipes registered with Minecraft/Forge as well as specialized lists from supported mods. Thermal Recycling essentially reverse engineers a recipe, removing anything from the output that could cause game imbalance. The only recipes that Thermal Recycling will pay attention to are items from mods that are directly supported or have been whitelisted by the modpack author using the configuration file. Use the Scrap Assessor to find out how an item will be handled by the Thermal Recycler.

You can attach piping and RF power mechanisms to the Thermal Recycler. Items can only be inserted into the input slot, and extracted from the output slots. The core upgrade slot has to be manually manipulated by you.

The machine has several states it reports visually as well as textually:

Status Icon Description
Idle The machine is not doing anything
Active The arrow will progress left to right indicating level of progress. During operation the machine will give off a green particle effect similar to that of the happy Villager animation. Gotta go green!
Jammed The item in the input slot cannot be recycled, or machine cannot fit any more items into the output slots. Items have to be removed. When in this state the Recycler will give off a red particle effect - similar to that of redstone ore blocks.
No Power The machine does not have enough energy to operate. The power bar gives a visual indication about how much power it has.
No Resources The machine needs multiple items as input. For example, to recycle wood planks requires 2 planks to be inserted.

The Thermal Recycler will not consume an item until it reaches 100% progress. If an item is removed prior to that time operation will stop and progress will reset.

Scrapping a magic item/book will give Bottles of Enchanting as a component when scrapped. The number of bottles given is based on the quantity/strength of enchantments that are on the item.

The divisor used to calculate the number of enchanting bottles to give can be tuned. The higher the number, the smaller quantity of bottles that can be given. Setting the value too low can give a large amount of bottles so test and evaluate if it is changed.

general {
    # Divisor value for calculating number of bottles to return when scrapping (higher means less bottles; 0 disables) [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 44]
    I:"Bottled Experience Value"=44
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️