Fertile Land - OreCruncher/ThermalRecycling GitHub Wiki

Handful of Worms

Fertile Land can grow Crops and Reeds without the need of irrigation. Also, Crops planted on Fertile Land are immune to trampling. The Fertile Land block can be placed into the world like normal blocks, and can be harvested by Silktouch items. If a Fertile Land block is broken by non-Silktouch means it will drop a dirt block. Fertile Land looks like Minecraft Farmland.

To create Fertile Land you will need a Handful of Worms. Worms are gathered by breaking Grass blocks. Each Grass block that breaks has a chance of dropping a Handful of Worms. The player has to break the block using a non-Silktouch item - explosions and machine harvesting will not drop worms. The chance of dropping worms is higher if it is raining.

The recipe for Fertile Land is shapeless. Place Dirt, a Handful of Worms, and a Water Bucket in a crafting grid. This will yield one Fertile Land and an empty bucket.

Fertile Land works well with the Composter.

The Handful of Worms can be fed to a chicken. If the chicken is a baby it will be made into an adult. If the chicken is an adult, the time interval for the next time it lays an egg will be reduced.

The drop chance for worms can be changed using the configuration file:

# Chance that breaking a grass block will drop worms (1 in N) [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 20]
I:"Worm Drop Chance"=20

# Chance that breaking a grass block will drop worms when raining (1 in N) [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 8]
I:"Worm Drop Chance (Rain)"=8

If for some reason you want to disable the dropping of worms you can set “Worm Drop Chance” to the largest possible number (2147483647).


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