Home - OreCruncher/ModpackInfo GitHub Wiki


Thanks for considering the Minecraft mod ModpackInfo. This mod is intended as an aid for constructing Minecraft 1.7.10 modpacks.

There are two main functions of the mod:

  • Once the modpack is loaded in Minecraft, the mod will collect metadata provided by the mods and record them in an external log file. This metadata is comprised of the modpack name, description, credits, authors, and website links.

  • Modpack authors can provide additional information about the pack, such as name, authors, credits, and website link. This information will be recorded in the output log. Furthermore, this information will be given to a player when the log into a server hosting the modpack as well as being available via the /modpackinfo command.

Though it is expected that ModpackInfo will be provided as part of a modpack it is not strictly required. ModpackInfo can run server side without the need of having it installed on the client. ModpackInfo can easily be dropped into an existing 1.7.10 server installation without requiring client updates.

The Log File

ModpackInfo will record an output log in the ./minecraft directory after the modpack is loaded. The name of the file and it's format can be changed by settings in the mpinfo.cfg file. Regardless, the file name prefix will always be ModpackInfo.

Below is a sample log file output in text mode:

Version: 1.0.1  
Modpack Authors: OreCruncher  

Minecraft Coder Pack (mcp) Version 9.05  
Modding toolkit to decompile and deobfuscate the Minecraft client and server files.  
Credits: Made by the MCP team  
Website: http://mcp.ocean-labs.de/  

Forge Mod Loader (FML) Version  
The Forge Mod Loader provides the ability for systems to load mods from the file system. It also provides key capabilities for mods to be able to cooperate and provide a good modding environment.   
Credits: Made possible with help from many people  
Authors: cpw, LexManos, Player  
Website: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/wiki  

Minecraft Forge (Forge) Version  
Minecraft Forge is a common open source API allowing a broad range of mods to work cooperatively together. It allows many mods to be created without them editing the main Minecraft code.  
Credits: Made possible with help from many people  
Authors: LexManos, Eloraam, Spacetoad  
Website: http://MinecraftForge.net  

Modpack Info (mpinfo) Version 0.0.1  
Provides modpack info via log files and ingame commands  
Credits: Inspired by Vazkii's ModLister (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1828188-mod-lister-lists-the-mods-you-are-running/)  
Authors: OreCruncher  
Website: https://github.com/OreCruncher/ModpackInfo/wiki  

OS: Windows 8.1 (amd64)  
Java: Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_40 (http://java.oracle.com/)  


Mod authors will sometimes require written permission, attribution, and/or links back to websites or forum posts as part of the permissions to use a mod in a modpack. Though ModpackInfo helps out a great deal with collecting this information, the data is only as good as the mods provide through the Forge framework. Modpack authors still have the responsibility to review the information and meet the requirements of each mod in the modpack before publishing the pack.