How to Contribute - OreCruncher/DynamicSurroundings GitHub Wiki

If you want to help out and contribute to Dynamic Surroundings here are some simple things what would help:

  • Translations If you know different languages and can help translate send a pull request and I can merge.
  • Mod support There are a number of mods out there, more than I can reasonably get to. If you come up with a Dynamic Surroundings configuration for a mod I will be more than happy to take a look at it and include within the mod itself.
  • Sound Clips I am not an expert when it comes to sound, and I will admit that I have a “tin ear”. (I have tinnitus and it makes things interesting.) If you have a better sound for what currently is in the mod I will be more than happy to take a listen. Let me know if it is public domain, Creative Commons, or if it is a clip you developed and what your license terms are.
  • Ogg Skills I am looking for ways to reduce the size of the sound files in the mod. I could take a sledge hammer and change the compression of the files themselves, but I am hoping that there are more skillful ways to reduce the size without impacting fidelity to a large degree.
  • Bug Reports I am interested in any bug you encounter.

If you have some skills with textures I would like additional textures for:

  • Foot prints These textures are 32x32 with the left print occupying the left side, and the right print on the right side. Centering the print within each half would be ideal.
  • Compass Rose A compass rose is a large texture 256x256. Choose colors that will show up in a variety of environments and light levels. For example, a compass rose using a lot of black and dark gray will now show up well at night or against darker terrain features (like spruce tree leaves).
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