Configuration - OreCruncher/BetterRain GitHub Wiki

The configuration file for Dynamic Surroundings can be found in ./minecraft/config/dsurround. Please note that other configuration options are available using the Biome Configuration and Dimension Configuration systems.

# Configuration file

aurora {
    # Animate Aurora [default: true]

    # Whether to enable Aurora processing on server/client [default: true]

    # true to keep the aurora at a height above player; false to fix it to an altitude [default: true]
    B:"Height Player Relative"=true

    # Allow Auroras with multiple bands [default: true]
    B:"Multiple Bands"=true

    # Number of blocks to say fixed above player if Aurora is player relative [range: 16.0 ~ 2048.0, default: 64.0]
    S:"Player Fixed Height"=64.0

    # Number of blocks north of player location to spawn an aurora [range: 0 ~ 200, default: 150]
    I:"Spawn Offset"=150

biomes {
    # Configuration files for configuring Biome Registry [default: ]
    S:"Config Files" <

block {
    # Configuration files for configuring Block sounds and behavior [default: ]
    S:"Config Files" <

dimensions {
    # Configuration files for configuring Dimension Registry [default: ]
    S:"Config Files" <

fog {
    # Enable biome specific fog density and color [default: true]
    B:"Biome Fog"=true

    # Visibility factor to apply to biome fog (higher is thicker) [range: 0.0 ~ 5.0, default: 1.0]
    S:"Biome Fog Factor"=1.0

    # Allow desert fog when raining [default: true]
    B:"Desert Fog"=true

    # Visibility factor to apply to desert fog (higher is thicker) [range: 0.0 ~ 5.0, default: 1.0]
    S:"Desert Fog Factor"=1.0

    # Higher the player elevation the more haze that is experienced [default: true]
    B:"Elevation Haze"=true

    # Visibility factor to apply to elevation haze (higher is thicker) [range: 0.0 ~ 5.0, default: 1.0]
    S:"Elevation Haze Factor"=1.0

general {
    # Default maximum rain strength for a dimension [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0]
    S:"Default Maximum Rain Strength"=1.0

    # Default minimum rain strength for a dimension [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.0]
    S:"Default Minimum Rain Strength"=0.0

    # Adjust cloud graphics based on configured cloud height [default: true]
    B:"Fancy Cloud Handling"=true

    # Block radius/range around player for special effect application [range: 8 ~ 32, default: 16]
    I:"Special Effect Range"=16

logging {
    # Enables/disables debug logging of the mod [default: false]
    B:"Enable Debug Logging"=false

    # Enables/disables online version checking [default: true]
    B:"Enable Online Version Check"=true

player {
    # Controls display of damage popoffs when an entity is damaged [default: true]
    B:"Damage Popoffs"=true

    # Suppress player's potion particles from rendering [default: false]
    B:"Suppress Potion Particles"=false

    "potion hud" {
        # Size scale of icons (lower is smaller) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5]
        S:"Display Scale"=0.5

        # Enable display of potion icons in display [default: true]

        # Offset from left side of screen [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 5]
        I:"Left Offset"=5

        # Offset from top of screen [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 5]
        I:"Top Offset"=38

        # Transparency factor for icons (higher more solid) [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5]


rain {
    # Always override Vanilla rain sound even when dimension is blacklisted [default: true]
    B:"Always Override Sound"=true

    # Allow desert dust when raining [default: true]
    B:"Desert Dust"=true

    # Reset rain/thunder when all players sleep [default: true]
    B:"Reset Rain on Sleep"=true

    # Factor to apply to rain sound level to adjust [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 1.0]
    S:"Sound Level"=1.0

sound {
    # Automatically configure sound channels [default: true]
    B:"Autoconfigure Channels"=true

    # Sounds to block from playing [default: ]
    S:"Blocked Sounds" <

    # Enable sound when bow is pulled [default: true]
    B:"Bow Pull Sound"=true

    # Enable sound when item crafted [default: true]
    B:"Crafting Sound"=true

    # Sounds to cull from frequent playing [default: [^minecraft:liquid.*], [minecraft:mob.sheep.say], [minecraft:mob.chicken.say], [minecraft:mob.cow.say], [minecraft:mob.pig.say]]
    S:"Culled Sounds" <

    # Enable biome sounds [default: true]
    B:"Enable Biome Sounds"=true

    # Enable footstep sounds [default: true]

    # Sound scale factor for footstep sounds [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.3]
    S:"Footsteps Sound Factor"=0.3

    # Enable sound effect when jumping [default: true]
    B:"Jump Sound"=true

    # Master sound scale factor for biome and block sounds [range: 0.0 ~ 1.0, default: 0.5]
    S:"Master Sound Scale Factor"=0.5

    # Number of normal sound channels to configure in the sound system (manual) [range: 28 ~ 2147483647, default: 28]
    I:"Number Normal Channels"=28

    # Number of streaming sound channels to configure in the sound system (manual) [range: 4 ~ 2147483647, default: 4]
    I:"Number Streaming Channels"=4

    # Ticks between water and lava sound events (0 to disable culling) [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 20]
    I:"Sound Culling Threshold"=20

    # Enable weapons swing sound effect when attacking [default: true]
    B:"Swing Sound"=true


  • The Dust and Aurora effects can be disabled by a player by altering the configuration. This does not affect the server or other players attached.
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