Compatibility - OreCruncher/BetterRain GitHub Wiki

This page contains compatibility information with other popular environment changing mods. If you come across something in your travels that needs to be updated leave an entry on the Issues page.

Weather 2

When using defaults Weather 2 replaces Minecraft’s rain/snow rendering routines. When this happens Dynamic Surroundings rain/snow/dust/aurora effects will not occur. To have Dynamic Surroundings take over rendering change Weather 2’s advanced setting Particle_RainSnow to false.


Dynamic Surroundings uses the celestial angle of the Minecraft sun to determine day/night. If StellarSky is being used this means that the length of the day/night cycle can vary over time.

The brightness of an aurora is affected by the amount of light given off by the Moon. When the moon is full the aurora will not show, and when it is a new moon an aurora will be at it’s brightest. StellarSky alters the behavior of Minecraft’s moon as well as it’s brightness using some voodoo stellar mechanics. As a result StellarSky’s moon behavior will influence how Dynamic Surroundings auroras render.

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