Commands - OreCruncher/BetterRain GitHub Wiki

Dynamic Surroundings has a single command, /rain. It is usable by an OP and can do several things:

  • /rain <0-100> Sets the rain intensity to the specified value. The effects are only visible if it is currently raining. Applies to the dimension where the OP is standing.
  • /rain status Prints out debug information related to the current status of rain in the current dimension.
  • /rain reset Resets rain and thunder state of the current dimension. Should be pointed out that the rain timer is randomized during this process unlike when /toggledownfall is used.
  • /rain setmin Sets the minimum bound for rain intensity for when rain starts.
  • /rain setmax Sets the maximum bound for rain intensity for when rain starts.
  • /rain reload Reloads biome configuration files.

Note that rain is started and stopped by using /toggledownfall.

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