Roadmap - OrderOfTheBee/ootbee-support-tools GitHub Wiki

This page lists various enhancements or features that are being considered for inclusion in future development of this addon. This is not yet an authoritative list and subject to change.



  • Re-implemented majority of existing tools from Alfresco Support Tools addon to be compatible with Community Edition (exclusions: JMX dump, thread sampler and thread profiler)
  • Extend tool for Log4J settings to support download of log files as well as reset of configuration changes
  • "System Information" tool to display system parameters and configuration properties from
  • "Caches" tool to view metrics about usage of non-transactional Alfresco caches

  • TBD


  • Add an Aikau based tool to change/reset Log4J configurations, tail and download log files from Repository- or Share-tier
  • #21 Reset of user / site dashboard configurations; removal of individual configured dashlets

  • TBD


All planning occurs as part of the issues in this project. The following is a more generalised list including long-term items not yet defined as issues.


  • unit tests for fragments that are actually unit test-able
  • integration tests verifying web scripts don't fail and JSON-response web scripts return expected results
  • user interface tests verifying the tool HTML UI behaves / operates as expected


  • Workflow overviews / metrics allowing simplified view on completed and active workflows, current task assignents and states of task / workflow variables (i.e. read-only features of the workflow console in a more user-friendly style, better visualisations and cross-linking)
  • #20 Cleanup of Activiti process data
  • #31 View / cleanup of audit data
  • Aggregated and Subsystem configuration views (specifically for "effective" properties) or dump - to some extent this might end up being similar to the administration views already available in Enterprise Edition minus the editable bits (as long as Community Edition does not support dynamic reconfiguration, which would likely be simple to add too)
  • Migrate thread sampling / profiling tools from Antonio Solers addon, but completely refactor visualisation using proper HTML 5 canvas or JS-based drawing
  • View of installed modules, their dependencies and status of associated module components


  • TBD