Constants - Orbifold/XAct GitHub Wiki

The Constants class contains all sorts of mathematical, numerical and useful constants.

  • Catalan: the Catalan number
  • Euler: the Euler constant
  • EulerGamma: the Euler-Mascheroni constant
  • Glaisher: the Glaisher-Kinkelin constant
  • GoldenRatio: the golden ratio
  • InverseEuler: the inverse of the Euler constant (i.e. 1/e)
  • InversePi: the inverse of Pi (i.e. 1/pi)
  • InvSqrt2Pi: the inverse of square root of twice pi ( i.e. 1/Sqrt(2*Pi))
  • InvSqrtPi: the inverse of the square root of Pi(i.e. 1/Sqrt(Pi))
  • Khinchin: the Khinchin constant
  • Log2E: the log of the Euler constant in base 2 (i.e. log(2)(e))
  • Ln2: the log of two in the natural base (i.e. log(e)(2))
  • Ln10: the log of ten in the natural base (i.e. log(e)(10))
  • LnPi: the log of pi in the natural base (i.e. log(e)(10))
  • Pi: the pi constant (150 digits precision)
  • Sqrt1Over2: the square root of 0.5
  • Sqrt2: the square root of two
  • Sqrt2Pi: the square root of twice pi
  • Sqrt3DividedBy2: the square root of three divided by two
  • PiOver180: pi divided by 180 (the degree to radians conversion factor)
  • PiOver2: pi divided by 2
  • SqrtPi: the square root of pi
  • PiOver4: pi divided by 4
  • SpeedOfLight: the speed of light in vacuum
  • PlancksConstant: the Planck constant
  • PlancksLength: the Planck length
  • GravitationalConstant: the gravitational constant
  • MagneticPermeability: the magnetic permeability in vacuum
  • ElectricPermitivity: the electric permitivity in vacuum