VM - Opty-Forks/SSof GitHub Wiki

Never run potential malicious content in your machine. You must install a VM as a basic form of sandboxing.

In order to do the challenges for this course you must have a Virtual Machine with the appropriate tools installed. You can pick your preferred distribution, or use the one we provide you here.

MD5SUM  (ubuntu_ssof.ova): 391a9de81f4c8a4f729a8380a9edddc340b8a8eb
SHA1SUM (ubuntu_ssof.ova): 22235ac30642b527e91519c6a9f1d0c02ab2e46dddc0e1afce0d65b9a055f766

ubuntu_ssof.ova (4GB) is a Ubuntu 18.04.1 VM and we hope you have everything you need for this course in there. It was created for the school year 2018/19 so the first thing to do after importing it is

sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade

1. Importing a VM to Virtual Box or VMware Fusion to your machine

If using VirtualBox do not forget to install Guest Additions in order to have higher screen resolution and allowing copy host-to-guest.

2. Login details for the VM

Do not forget to change this passwd!

user: Ssof
passwd: ssof

3. Installed Tools


  • firefox
  • chrome
  • curl
  • python module 'requests'
  • burp suite community edition
  • OWASP ZAP (an open source alternative to Burp Suite)

Reverse and pwn

  • IDA freeware
  • radare2
  • Cutter (radare2 GUI)
  • gdb
  • pwndbg (gdb plugin)
  • python module pwntools
  • ROPGadget


  • vim
  • vscode
  • git
  • python
  • python-pip

4. Running a VM using rnl-virt in RNL (labs in Alameda)


5. Running a VM in labs in Tagus


6. Troubleshooting

gdb stops working after update

If this happens, the workaround is to revert gdb to an earlier version. Details here.

sudo apt purge gdb
sudo apt install gdb=8.1-0ubuntu3
echo "gdb hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections

Screen resolution problems when using Virtual Box

If you have problems with the Guest Additions (screen resolution, unable to copy host to guest, etc) you might want to have a look in here.

Problems installing pwntools

If you have problems installing pwntools with pip3 just update pip3

  sudo python3 -m pip uninstall pip && sudo apt install python3-pip --reinstall

Problems with MacOS Catalina and VirtualBox 6.1.14

It has been reported crashes when using VirtualBox 6.1.14 and MacOS Catalina here. Proposed solution is rollback to VirtualBox 6.1.12.