RaceConditions - Opty-Forks/SSof GitHub Wiki

Race Conditions' Lab

The goal for this lab is to learn the basics of Race Conditions attacks.

What are Race Conditions

Race Conditions are vulnerabilities that may exist in any application that assumes some sort of atomicity in its actions.

For example whenever 2 entities access concurrently the same object there could be a violation of the assumption of atomicity and during that period, also called the window of vulnerability or window of opportunity some undesired event may occur.

The vulnerability is almost always due to a problem of concurrency/lack of proper synchronization between a target and a malicious process(es); or between several processes/threads of the target.

The attacker races to break the assumption of atomicity during the window of vulnerability.

Remember, you must be in the IST VPN in order to be able to play these challenges.

Real and Effective user-ids

Before we start with our challenges, you must understand the difference between real user-id and effective user-id. For that, we have two examples.

Example 1

Consider the following program

// https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/166817/using-the-setuid-bit-properly

#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L // Needed with glibc (e.g., linux).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void report (uid_t real) {
    printf ("Real UID: %d Effective UID: %d\n",

int main (void) {
    uid_t real = getuid();
    return 0;

Compile it and run as a regular user

gcc testuid.c -o testuid

Change now the setuid bit of your program so that it runs as root.

sudo chown root testuid
sudo chmod u+s testuid

Can you see the differences?

Example 2

Consider now the following example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
    FILE* f;

    if(!access(argv[1], R_OK)) // 0 if the user has read privilege
        printf("OK  access READ to file %s\n", argv[1]);
        printf("NOK access READ to file %s\n", argv[1]);

    if(!access(argv[1], W_OK)) // 0 if the user has write privilege
        printf("OK  access WRITE to file %s\n", argv[1]);
        printf("NOK access WRITE to file %s\n", argv[1]);

    f = fopen(argv[1], "r");
    if (f == NULL)
        printf("NOK open for READING from file %s\n", argv[1]);
        printf("OK  open for READING from file %s\n", argv[1]);

    f = fopen(argv[1], "a");
    if (f == NULL)
        printf("NOK open for WRITING to file %s\n", argv[1]);
        printf("OK  open for WRITING to file %s\n", argv[1]);

Create a text file that you own and compile and run the program as a regular user

echo "this is a test message" > filetest.txt
gcc access.c -o access
./access filetest.txt
./access /etc/passwd
./access /etc/shadow

Change now the setuid bit of your program so that it runs as root and run it again with the same files

sudo chown root access
sudo chmod u+s access
./access filetest.txt
./access /etc/passwd
./access /etc/shadow

Can you see the differences? Do you notice any differences and in particular what checks does the access function perform? And fopen?

Problem 1. A traditional Race

This problem is running at mustard.stt.rnl.tecnico.ulisboa.pt:12201.

  • First, you should connect to the machine via ssh.
ssh [email protected] -p 12201
__username:passwd__ were sent to the e-mail you have registered in Fenix.
  • Look at the folder /challenge and inspect the files that exist in there, in particular their permissions. (ls -al)

  • The only place with write permissions is /tmp. You can use the /tmp folder to write your files, but you can't list the files it contains as you do not have read permissions.

  • Create a directory with a weird name inside /tmp so that only you would know and write whatever you need inside it: /tmp/<your_weird_name>/

  • Remember

    1. this machine is shared with everyone else. Be courteous to others and do not exhaust all the resources of the machine. Also do not forget to kill yours as soon as you find the flag.
      • ps aux returns your processes.
      • kill PID kills the process with process id PID.
    2. always keep a copy of your files in your machine. /tmp folder will be cleaned often and without advance notice so do not expect your folder to be there for a long period.
    3. we may reboot this machine without notice. Read 2.

Problem 2. Race conditions exist everywhere

This is an example where race conditions are not just changing symbolic links from one place to another.

Look at the source of this challenge and see what is wrong.

Clearly the (intended) atomicity property of this challenge is broken. Exploit it.

Problem 3. Pickles in a seri(al)ous race

This is a tough challenge for hungry students. Look at the source code and Google for problems that might occur when serialization is controlled by user.

Then, just win the race.

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