Testing Automation - Optum/mockiato GitHub Wiki

We have recently introduced automation testing of mock API created in Mockiato. You don't need to use an external rest-client tool to test your mock services.

If you browse your service you have a test button associated with each service. You can test your services and also other user's services. No authorization needed to Test other's services.

Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 5 31 58 PM

This Test button is also avialble on Service details page. When you see service detail or visit update service page.

Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 6 00 09 PM

Below is the Service Test page where you can test all your RRPairs.

Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 6 04 41 PM

Note Every detail of RRPairs will be automatically filled on Test Service page and no detail is editable. You just need to click on Send button to test a service.

Below is Test Service Page for Stopped Services Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 6 15 58 PM

Note Stopped Service can not be tested. So Send button will be disabled in this case.

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