Mockiato Architecture - Optum/mockiato GitHub Wiki

Mockiato is comprised of 3 basic architectural components: a web-based user interface, a REST API for managing services, and a Mongo database.

Web UI

Mockiato provides a simple, intuitive interface for managing virtual services. Built on AngularJS, this single-page application acts as a client to a Mockiato server.


In Mockiato, virtual services are considered resources. A REST API is exposed to facilitate CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations on these resources.

For more information on the methods available in the API, please see our Swagger documentation available with in the application.


All of the data that comprises a virtual service (base path, request data, response data, etc.) is stored in a Mongo database. Please see the next section for more information on the data models behind Mockiato.

Mockiato Architecture

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