Match Templates - Optum/mockiato GitHub Wiki

Matching templates allow the user to select which fields Mockiato should attempt to match on, and/or provide specific conditions for whether a field is considered to have matched. For detailed information on Match Templates click on the help button [?] located next to the Match Template field in your virtual service.

  1. Using Firefox or Chrome browser navigate to https://mockiatoUrl/
  2. Enter MS credentials to log in to the application.
  3. Navigate to your service by selecting Browse->Services on the toolbar and filtering for the appropriate owner/group on the Services page.
  4. Select your service from the left-hand column.
  5. You can create your basic match template either by:
    • making a copy of your request and removing name/value pairs from .json or elements from XML leaving only the information you wish to match on as well as removing any data inside XML elements
    • clicking the Create Match Template button located below your Request Payload field which will create an empty representation of your request. You can then edit the resulting generated template to suit your needs.

Best Practices for creating Match Templates

  1. Remove ALL data from the template.
  2. Only include the name-value fields in .json or elements in .xml that you want to match on in your template. Remember, you must maintain the structure of the request for it to be valid.
  3. Do not include security header information in your XML Match Templates.
  4. Do not include comments in your Match Templates.

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