I have a PDF file containing the cards for my game - OptrixAU/printathome-python GitHub Wiki

Currently, PrintAtHome doesn't offer the ability to convert a number of formats to images.

I have a PDF file

However, you might be able to use a web converter, such as https://pdftoimage.com/ to convert the pages in your PDF to .JPG or .PNG files, which the program can work with.

I have a DOC file

Word won't let you save to image files, which is a bit of a shame. One work-around is to save your DOC as a PDF, and then use the steps above to turn them into a JPG.

I have an SVG file

Packages such as Inkscape and Adobe Illustrator should help you turn your SVG into a PNG or JPG.

When you're done...

Once you've obtained your images, continue to I have images containing multiple cards for my game