Choose an Output Size - OptrixAU/printathome-python GitHub Wiki

Find the output size you would like to use.

Printing At Home (Standard Paper)

Most home printers use either A4 or Letter paper. You can use the parameter --paper=A4 or --paper=letter for these sizes.

Printing At Home (Photo Paper) or at Photo Labs

The cheapest size to print is 4x6, the most common photo print size. However, while printing is inexpensive, you might find that cutting takes forever - the smaller the print size, the more cuts you will have to make.

4x6 is the default value for printathome.

Printing Professionally

If you're sending your own game to a printing service (such as TheGameCrafter or BoardGameMaker, for example), you'll need to have your images in a specific size.

The --resize parameter stops trying to fit many cards to a page, and instead fits each card to one page. You can then combine it with the paper size options to create a card in the right size and shape.

For example, the following prints a poker card suitable for BoardGameMaker (822x1122)

--resize=fill --paperwidth=822 --paperheight=1122 --units=px

While this produces one for TheGameCrafter (825x1125)

--resize=fill --paperwidth=825 --paperheight=1125 --units=px

Other Options

Alternatively, the following paper sizes are also supported...







Custom Paper Sizes

You can combine the paperwidth, paperheight, units and dpi parameters to setup your own custom output size.

Valid values for units are in, cm and px.

So for example, you can create a 1024x1024 pixel square card using the command --paperwidth=1024 --paperheight=1024 --units=px.

Next Step

Next, decide if and how you are printing backs.