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Data Vault with ODE

Data Vault is a Data Warehousing methodology. Learn more about it here. ODE is a config-driven engine for building and managing Data Vaults.

At the moment ODE only works with MS SQL Server. Refer here for the latest ODE installation.

Modelling a Data Vault with ODE

Refer our approach for ODE Data Vault structure. This article describes ODE DV objects naming convention you can follow.

Configuring with ODE

Make sure you are running the latest version of ODE. This article helps if you have ODE installed, but you don’t know its version. If your version is ODE v2 or v4, some of the following articles are irrelevant to you. Either upgrade to the latest version or use scripts that match your version: ODE v2 scripts, ODE v4 scripts.

These steps will help you with creating the databases for data vault.

Follow these steps to configure new data source. Once this is done, you can create as many ensembles as you want using the same source database. Use this article to configure a Hub and Satellite. Then use this article to configure a Link.

Refer a quick start to build your first Data Vault ensemble based on the Adventure Works table in a few minutes.

Managing the Data Vault with ODE

Once Data Vault is configured, build physical tables.

ODE engine allows scheduling the data loads and releasing configuration to another environment.

Query builder could help with selecting the data from Data Vault.

Once your Data Vault is up and running, use this article to monitor data loads and troubleshoot exceptions.

Other Cool Features

Use Metrics Vault to audit and capture all the pretty data about your Data Vaults.

Any two Data Vault objects could be reconciled against each other, just let ODE know how to match fields from both sides.

ODE supports data loads from another data source server via SQL Server Integration Services. This article describes how to generate SSIS packages with BIML scripts. This functionality could be used for quick semi-automated Persistent Stage Area generation.

SSIS package load supports MS SQL Server Change data capture. We have also enabled CDC within the ODE, read here about ODE CDC. This article provides you with an example of how ODE CDC could help.

Every Data Warehouse has Calendar, also known as Date Dimension. You can download ODE default calendar from here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got stuck? Maybe one of the following articles could help.

ODE Config Structure

ODE Config Entity Relationship Diagram


Should Business Keys be Stored as Concatenated Keys or Separate Fields in the Hub?


How To Implement a Link in ODE?
How To Implement Same-As or Hierarchical Link
Where do you Store Point in Time for Information for a Link
Why do Queries, used to load Links often use DISTINCT?


How To Create Calculated Fields
How Does ODE Deal with Start / End Dating of Satellites
Should the Business Keys be retained on the Satellite?
What are Tombstone Rows and why does ODE have them?
Why do we use specify a Unique Row Key on Satellite Tables?
Why do we Record the Source of each Row in a Satellite?
Why do we Capture all Column Detail in the Configuration Database?

Delta load

How To Implement Delta Load


How To Do a Full Release
How To Do an Incremental Release
How To Back Out a Release?
How to Release Often without much trouble

Business rules

How To Version Business Rules

Physical tables

How to Create Missing Vault Objects


How To Monitor and Troubleshoot Data Loads?

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