About David - OperationCode/eloquent-js GitHub Wiki

Who Am I

I'm a former Marine who has spent years in the aviation field, and I now work as a graphic designer for a Landscape Architecture firm. I am originally form Miami, FL, but now live in a quieter more family-friendly area of the state.

What I Know

I am skilled in graphic deign principles and the associated software. I also am familiar with HTML5 and CSS3. Currently, I am going through the FreeCodeCamp and am at the JavaScript. I have learned a lot from the FreeCodeCamp, and want to further develop my JavaScript skills.

What I Want to Do

I eventually want to be a professional developer preferably Full Stack; however, if I had to choose between Front-End and Back-End I'd have to say Front-End, but that is only because I have very limited exposure to the Back-End world. I am joining this group to have a deeper understanding of JavaScript and it's best practices. Additionally, given my aviation background where I spent years in Quality Control, I would like to explore the option of being in Quality for software/web development. I also am looking forward to working with everyone here, because learning development in a vacuum is not the best way improve.