cim binding - Openwsman/openwsman GitHub Wiki

CIM Binding in Openwsman

Openwsman supports the CIM data model using a special plugin which handles a CIM classes in a generic way. The mapping of the CIM data into WS-Management resources happens on the fly using the CIM binding guidelines published by the DMTF.

Currently the following features are supported:

Accounting for Different CIM Namespaces

A special Selector is defined to indicate the CIM namespace of the resource or resources for which the message is intended.

<wsman:Selector Name="__cimnamespace">xs:anyURI</wsman:Selector>

Using the command line client, the namespace can be set using the namespace option, for example:

wsman enumerate --port 8889 --username  wsman -p secret -h --namespace smash/ipmi



Client and server support all three polymorphism modes:

  • None
  • IncludeSubClassProperties
  • ExcludeSubClassProperties

The following examples show the client request with the corresponding responses for CIM_ComputerSystem. The example shows three providers with CIM_ComputerSystem derivative classes. The vendor namespaces are just examples and are not official.

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