9 Team or organization manual - Openscapes/2021-noaa-nmfs GitHub Wiki

A team or organization manual is basically best practices documentation plus information specific for your team. This is crucial for on-boarding and off-boarding and generally getting the team on the same page.

The Fisheries Integrated Toolbox Resources resources folder has material for a basic team manual. Scroll down the left nav on this page: FIT Resources. Here is some specific info on

USGS has well-developed material on best practices for software development within USGS that is also relevant to NMFS.

  • They started with this repo
  • And now have a much more developed webpage

Lab manuals are becoming more common for teams as a resource for the team and to help with team organization and on-boarding/off-boarding. Here is an example of a lab manual written (in bookdown using Rmarkdown files) for one of the early Openscapes cohorts Fay Lab Manual. Here's the repository.