2 Issues and Project Boards - Openscapes/2021-noaa-nmfs GitHub Wiki


Issues are by far the most widely used project tracking mechanism.

Project Boards

Boards are less widely used. Note that a board can be individual, organization or repository specific. This allows boards to combine issues and tasks across multiple repositories. Also boards are often used for notes and checklists.

  • Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. The CISA project boards all use the automated Kanban template with to do, in progress, review, review completed, and done columns.
    • This shows one of their semi-automated Kanban boards. They have some cards that are manually added with checklists or notes and others that are being added automatically when they are posted as issues to certain repositories. Example 1
  • Eli Holmes/NWFSC project boards for repo and larger project management. Click "issues" in the organization table
  • USGS groundmotion project board. This one seems to be manual rather than automated but has heavy use of labels on the issues for organization.
  • NOAA-EDAB project boards to plan regular workflow meetings at NEFSC


Examples of Project Boards for different purposes


Repository-level project board to plan regular meetings about code/data workflows NOAA EDAB Project Board to plan regular meetings about code/data workflows

NOAA NWFSC Ocean Acidification Lab

View of NOAA NWFSC Ocean Acidification GitHub Organization

Team Overview, including the Exoskeleton Teams

NOAA NWFSC Ocean Acidification GitHub Teams Overview

Project Board View of the Exoskeleton project

NOAA NWFSC Ocean Acidification GitHub Project Board View of the Exoskeleton project

Project Board Table View of the Exoskeleton project (GitHub Projects(beta))

NOAA NWFSC Ocean Acidification GitHub Project Board Table View


Organization-level project board with issues from public and private repos. Used for mostly non-coding to do's, with some coding to do's as well. screenshot of a project board with issues from public and private repos