JSON API - Openki/Openki GitHub Wiki

The JSON-API is available under https://openki.net/api/0/json/. There are three endpoints: groups, venues, and events. The API is read-only.


The last finished event in region Zürich: https://openki.net/api/0/json/events?before=now&limit=1&region=wvoJEz0eSerrAJ

Get the 10 next events organised by ASZ: https://openki.net/api/0/json/events?after=now&limit=10&group=90aa41f3


Query URL: https://openki.net/api/0/json/groups

Data-structure of return: (click here)

	'_id':              'GroupName',
	'sourceLink':       'https://openki.net/group/ID/GroupName',   // link to the page on Openki
	'name':             'GroupName',
	'claim':            'We are the champions',
	'description':      'We bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla',
	'webLink':          'http://example.com',
	'logo':             '/zurich/groups/ReTake.png',        // or 'https://GroupName.com/data/imgs/logo.png'
	'venue':            {
		'loc':              {
			'coordinates':      [8.55952, 47.41030]   // attention: long, lat


Query: `https://openki.net/api/0/json/events

filter options: (click here)

These are the most used filters:

  • ?group=l1i83h or groups=(comma separated list of groups where one must match)
  • ?after=2018-02-03T12:30 ?after=now
  • ?before=2018-02-10
  • ?region=id
  • ?venue=barId
all options: (click here)

course: id,
region: id,
search: string,
categories: ids,
group: id,
groups: ids,
venue: string,
room: string,
start: date,
before: date,
after: date,
end: date,
internal: flag,


Results can be sorted by including a sort parameter. The sort parameter is a string of comma-separated field-names. If the first field compares equal for two entries, they are sorted by the second field, then the third, and so on. A hyphen in front of a field name causes descending sort on that field. Examples:

  • sort=startLocal: Order events by local start time.
  • sort=start,duration: Order events by start time, put longer events after shorter ones if they start at the same time.
  • sort=-start: sort by start time, last first.

Limiting and Pagination

The parameter limit allows you to limit the amount of results returned. The preset and maximum value is limit=100. To return a different part of the list than the start, add a skip parameter. Naturally, preset is skip=0. To get the second page you would pass limit=20&skip=20, and limit=20&skip=40 for the third page.

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