Change log - Opencast-Moodle/moodle-block_opencast GitHub Wiki

v3.10-r1 (2020111300)


  • Link Videos in overview directly
  • Relabel the feature to delete the video before the transfer to Opencast
    • separates all strings of this feature from the strings of the permanent deletion feature.
    • adds some explanation to the deletedraft.php page to better explain to the teacher what will happen as soon as he confirms the deletion.

Minor Fixes

  • Added linebreaks

v3.9-r2 (2020090800)

New features

  • The block is not able to use the chunk upload form element offered by the plugin local_chunkupload. If the local plugin is installed the chunk upload can be offered to the teacher. This provides the advantage that the upload limit can be set without any core hack. Also the upload limit can be raised higher than the php restrictions through the settings post_max_size and upload_max_filesize.
  • It is now possible to also add an LTI episode module to the course page. During the adding of the LTI modules for an episode or an series the teacher can now be enabled to directly provide the title, an intro, the course section the LTI module should be added to and the restrictions for accessing it.

Minor changes

  • The position of error texts has been adjusted (regression of the UI redesign).
  • The setting maxuploadsize has been renamed to uploadfilelimit and moved to additional settings. It is only displayed if the chunkupload plugin is installed.
  • Fixed "Invalid signature for signature method HMAC-SHA1"

New requirement

Requires the new version of tool_opencast (2020090700).

v3.9-r1 (2020062600)

New version is Moodle 3.9 ready and supports PHP 7.4. Thanks for all the contributions from the community!

New features

  • It is now possible to delete upload jobs, while they are still in the state "ready to upload".
  • It is now possible to restrict the changes to visibility in total or only for groups on a system level through new settings.

UI improvements

  • The index.php (Overview page) as well as the addvideo.php (Add video page) were polished. The focus is on adding explanation texts for teachers and for unifying the look and feel of the pages.
  • Added possibility to hide end date and location from overview table.
  • Fixed look of admin settings page.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in which a developer warning was displayed for Opencast Studio uploads, since they have no duration property.

v3.8-r2 (2020041700)

New features

  • Integrate Opencast Studio in the Block: A new admin setting can activate a 'Record Video' button, which allows to connect to an Opencast studio installation on the opencast admin node.
  • Button for adding an LTI module: Teachers can be allowed to automatically add an LTI tool for displaying the course series within the course. A new admin setting allows to choose an external tool configuration, which is used as a default for the created LTI module.
  • New admin setting for allowed video file types: A new setting lets the admin configure, which file types are allowed for the uploaded videos.

Technical features

  • Updated list of default ACL roles within the admin setting, when first installing the plugin.
  • Change schedule of upload video scheduled task to run every minute instead of once per day at midnight.

v3.8-r1 (2019112100)

Metadata and upload form

  • Reworked the whole upload form.
  • Added possibility to add metadata to an event both during upload and for already existing events.
  • The metadata that can be set by the teacher can be specified in the admin interface.
  • Metadata fields can be set as required or read-only.
  • Added second stream in the upload form.

Minor changes

  • Series settings have been moved to the upper right corner to match moodle coding conventions.

New requirements

Requires new version of tool_opencast: v3.8-r1

v3.7-r1 (2019052900)

Backup and Restore

Thanks to Synergy Learning and the ETH Zürich, it is now possible to store the event ids of Opencast videos within a course backup. During restore, Opencast is triggered to create a series for the new course and copy the respective opencast events to the new course. With this feature, reusing events throughout several semesters gets much easier.

Other new features

  • The event overview shows to new status:
    • Needs cutting: Each event which is in opencast status PROCESSED, has previews and is only published to 'internal'.
    • Capturing: Each event which is currently in opencast status RECORDING.
  • Learner and Instructor roles are now created on first installation.
  • Setting for creating a opencast group creation is now set to false by default.

New settings

  • duplicateworkflow: Workflow which will duplicate the events of a backup during restore. If not set, the backup and restore functionality is deactivated.

Small changes

  • Fixed naming of section in admin settings containing the settings for group and series creation.

Technical features

  • Prettified code structure of admin settings page.
  • Added behat tests for the UI.

v3.6-r1 (2018112900)

Privacy API

  • Removed privacy polyfill
  • Added additional privacy interfaces

Continuous Integration

  • Introduced CI using travis
  • Fixed and automated phpunit testcases

Bug fixes

  • Fixed order of upgrade steps

v3.5-r1 (2018102900)

New features

  • Videos can be completely deleted.
  • Temporary files of uploaded videos can be deleted directly after the upload to the opencast system finished.
  • Visibility of videos can be set for moodle groups.
  • Added location and end date to video overview.

Technical features

  • New opencast API version v1.1.0 is used. (Old one can still be used. However then the API user needs to have admin privileges.)

v3.4-r1 (2018070400)

  • Initial Release