Compiling OpenZWave - OpenZWave/openzwave-dotnet-uwp GitHub Wiki

When cloning this repo, make sure you also clone the submodule using the --recursive parameter.

git clone --recursive

Note that when downloading the .zip file from this repo, you will not get the required sub module. In that case you can download the dev-branch from openzwave and unzip it in the open-zwave folder at the root of this repo.


To build .NET open OpenZWaveDotNet.sln

If you're using a newer version of Visual Studio, you might be asked to upgrade the OpenZWave project.


To build UWP, open src/OpenZWaveUWP.sln You will need the 14393 Windows 10 SDK installed, and either Visual Studio 2015 or 2017.


To build the the NuGet package, you must first build UWP Release mode for x86, x64 and ARM, as well as .NET for x86.

Before building, edit the VERSION and PackageName parameter in the script to create a custom version number and package ID, which helps avoiding conflicts with released versions.

Next download NuGet.exe to the local nuget folder and execute the BuildPackage.cmd command.