WEIGHTLESS Protocol Suite - OpenWeightlessCIC/OpenWeightless GitHub Wiki

The WEIGHTLESS Protocol Suite includes:

WEIGHTLERSS-W The original telco grade protocol designed for enabling IoT devices to communicate in the 'whitespace' spectrum that was historically left between UK's analogue TV broadcast channels. It was concluded to be unviable when TV broadcast started changing from analogue signals to digital.

WEIGHTLESS-N This is an uplink protocol. Currently used by N-WAVE to uplink parking space data.

WEIGHTLESS-P This is now referred to as OpenWEIGHTLESS. This is a full feature, secure bi-directional narrow band protocol that is available as an Open Standard candidate for global IoT communication networks. It is published as an open specification. This GitHub repository aims to provide information and code (in one or more languages) to assist implementation.

NB1: We encourage and the creation and experimentation of privately created OpenWEIGHTLESS stacks and hardware. NB2: To ensure interoperability, connectivity into public and commercial WEIGHTLESS networks (such as WEIGJHTLESS.SPACE) will require a certification test for the device & stack plus access token.

WEIGHTLESS-S This is the Direct to Satellite (DtS) variant of the OpenWEIGHTLESS protocol The intent is that all terrestrial IoT terminal devices will, optionally, be able to connect via the WEIGHTLESS.SPACE Direct to Satellite (DtS) network for global connectivity. This link will require a specialised antenna and be run as a commercial pay per use service. WEIGHTLESS.SPACE is aimed at urgent & critical applications, such as alarms or remote command and control.