Ideal solution - OpenWebslides/Notes GitHub Wiki

Ideal solution

This is where we dream about the ideal solution: one versatile platform containing all media that allows students to co-create the course material with the professors and where students can easily communicate with each other on top of the course. Have a look at the COCOON proposal for more information on our vision and the learning benefits such an environment could generate.

Overall, our goal is to reduce the distance between:

  • fragments of the course material
  • various courses
  • the course and the conversation about the course
  • pioneers at the UGent (Community of Practice)
  • students and fellow-students (learning community)
  • students and professors (learning community)
  • student feedback and course improvement (co-creation + speed of feedback)
  • the course and society
  • the UGent and future students
  • the UGent and future collaborators
  • software and hardware (slides on a mobile device)

Overarching goals

Here is a list of the big goals we have in mind that apply to the open webslides, but also to the Jupyter notebook courses and the annotation project.

Open-source mindset

  • New mind set for the students (attitudeswitch) in which open is the default: open education, open data, open science. Ideally, open source should be a deal-maker or deal-breaker.
  • We have great tools to develop and debug software, why don't we collectively debug courses too?

Co-creation in a learning community

  • Courses are no longer a one-way story.
  • Students co-create the course and boost each other's learning experience.
  • The best teachers learn from their students.
  • Course material is no longer a closed off phenomenon, but a portal to society at large.
  • Feedback from society quickly reaches the course material (course material is validated and completed in an international context): increased quality and visibility

Technology that aids learning

  • Cause a mini-revolution in course materials at the UGent.
  • Group assignments get the structure they deserve.
  • Integrated course material at the center of the conversation.
  • By disconnecting content from layout, a course and the slides could be two sides of the same coin, making the course material truly integrated.

Evidence-based education

  • The learning experience of the students is measurable and we can move towards evidence-based education. We are a research institution, right? So this is a logical step!

Specific vision for the annotations

We could use an illustrator to help visualize this part because a full-fledged version of this technology is currently lacking.

Dare to debate

  • annotations can be private or public
  • annotations can be made anonymously

Start a conversation

  • users can respond to each other's public annotations
  • users are notified when their annotations is responded to
  • unread annotations are highlighted in the margin of the text and thus automatically draw the attention

Structure the conversation

  • annotations can be labeled (e.g., open question, answered question, added material, suggestion for course correction, course notes)
  • annotations have their own URL so you can easily link to them
  • annotations can be voted on or liked

Filter out what matters

  • because the annotations have a lot of metadata we can customize views (e.g. side stream)
  • in a separate view, annotations can be listed according to e.g., date, number of responses, number of likes, number of times read.
  • users can use multiple filters (e.g., show no annotations, only show my own annotations, only show the annotations made by a specific person (e.g. the professor), only show the unread annotations, only show the personally tagged annotations)