Deploy on Xeon E5 using Kubernetes - OpenVisualCloud/CDN-Transcode-Sample GitHub Wiki

Start CDN transcode service

$ cd build
$ make start_kubernetes


  • This command must be run as root.
  • Make sure Kubenetes is built successfully on all the nodes.
  • You can choose whether to launch an instances of each module or not by typing yes or no.


Web browser playback

Visit https://<CDN-Transcode Server IP address>/ using any web browser, you will see the playlist and then click any of the streams in the playlist to playback.

VLC playback

You can also use Windows VLC player to playback the HTTPs streams provided by the sample service. please run below commands.

vlc https://<CDN-Transcode Server IP address>/hls/big_buck_bunny_1280x720_0/index.m3u8