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Project description

The Open Transport Data Project (https://opentransportdata.wordpress.com/) is an innovation project for the public sector partially funded by the Research Council of Norway. The project runs from april 2016 to april 2019.

The project aims to establish knowledge, tools, services and methods to help transport authorities in publishing open data accommodating user needs and facilitating utilization. One of the expected results from the project is a federated catalogue system for discovery of open data and data characteristics (security issues, quality, type of data, etc.) across different data sources and providers.

A prototype catalogue system is created based on CKAN. Currently, the following repositories have been developed in this project:

  • ckanext-customharvesters: This repository is a CKAN harvester for harvesting datasets from the open data portals in Norway - data.norge.no and geonorge.no.

  • ckanext-ontology: This repository provides ontology functionality support for CKAN.

  • ckan-search: This repository provides frontend for using the ontology-based search functionality extended for CKAN.

Theses three repositories have been developed in the course TDT4290 at NTNU for the Norwegian research organisation SINTEF and the Norwegian Public Road Administration SVV.