TaLib_math_operators - OpenTrading/OpenTrader GitHub Wiki
ADD - Vector Arithmetic Add
real = ADD(high, low)
DIV - Vector Arithmetic Div
real = DIV(high, low)
MAX - Highest value over a specified period
real = MAX(close, timeperiod=30)
MAXINDEX - Index of highest value over a specified period
integer = MAXINDEX(close, timeperiod=30)
MIN - Lowest value over a specified period
real = MIN(close, timeperiod=30)
MININDEX - Index of lowest value over a specified period
integer = MININDEX(close, timeperiod=30)
MINMAX - Lowest and highest values over a specified period
min, max = MINMAX(close, timeperiod=30)
MINMAXINDEX - Indexes of lowest and highest values over a specified period
minidx, maxidx = MINMAXINDEX(close, timeperiod=30)
MULT - Vector Arithmetic Mult
real = MULT(high, low)
SUB - Vector Arithmetic Substraction
real = SUB(high, low)
SUM - Summation
real = SUM(close, timeperiod=30)