HowToCreateOpenTouryoNuGetPackages - OpenTouryoProject/OpenTouryo GitHub Wiki
Steps for creating NuGet packages of Open Touryo
- Compiled the steps for creating NuGet packages of Open Touryo.
- Audience
- Developer who create and register NuGet packages of Open Touryo.
- Or person who constructs NuGet private repository and operates separately.
- This is a English page. Click here for Japanese version of this file.
Deployment of the program
See below url
push [Download ZIP] button. -
See below url
deploy this to "C:\root".
Fix of the program
If necessary, fix the source code of the NuGet packages of Open Touryo.
- Framework
- Public
Running the build
Build using the following 3_Build_NuGet_netxx.bat
- 3_Build_NuGet_net45.Bat
- 3_Build_NuGet_net46.Bat
- 3_Build_NuGet_net47.Bat
- 3_Build_NuGet_netstd20.Bat
- Since the build output will be output the to
C:\root\programs\CS\Frameworks\Infrastructure- Build_net452
- Build_net46
- Build_net47
- Build_netstd20
- deploy it to the corresponding
folder below.
C:\root\programs\CS\NuGet\in- net452
- net46
- net47
- netstandard2.0
Running packaging
- When deployment is completed, execute the following
file and package it.
C:\root\programs\CS\NuGet_NuGetPack.bat- At this time, Do maintenance such as version information of each
file. - Also, match the version information of AssemblyInfo file with the above version information.
(For .NET Standard, set version information in*.csproj
- At this time, Do maintenance such as version information of each
- The NuGet package is output to the following folder.
C:\root\programs\CS\NuGet\out- pp
The folder in which "primary nupkg" is output. - sp
The folder in which "nupkg nupkg" is output.
- pp
Push the package
The following steps are carried out when pushing to the server.
(It is not necessary when deploying it on a local package source such as file sharing.)
Push Primary Package to NuGet Server
Set the NuGet API key in the following
C:\root\programs\CS\NuGet\out\pp_NuGetPush.bat -
Run the
file and push it to the NuGet server.
Push SymbolPackage to Symbol server
Set the API key of NuGet In the following
C:\root\programs\CS\NuGet\out\sp_NuGetPush.bat -
Run the
file and push it to the Symbol server.