HowToCreateOpenTouryoNuGetPackages - OpenTouryoProject/OpenTouryo GitHub Wiki

Steps for creating NuGet packages of Open Touryo

  • Compiled the steps for creating NuGet packages of Open Touryo.
  • Audience
    • Developer who create and register NuGet packages of Open Touryo.
    • Or person who constructs NuGet private repository and operates separately.
  • This is a English page. Click here for Japanese version of this file.


Deployment of the program

Fix of the program

If necessary, fix the source code of the NuGet packages of Open Touryo.


  • Framework
  • Public

Running the build

Build using the following 3_Build_NuGet_netxx.bat file.


  • 3_Build_NuGet_net45.Bat
  • 3_Build_NuGet_net46.Bat
  • 3_Build_NuGet_net47.Bat
  • 3_Build_NuGet_netstd20.Bat



  • Since the build output will be output the to Build_netxx folder,
    • Build_net452
    • Build_net46
    • Build_net47
    • Build_netstd20
  • deploy it to the corresponding netxx folder below.
    • net452
    • net46
    • net47
    • netstandard2.0

Running packaging

  • When deployment is completed, execute the following *.bat file and package it.
    • At this time, Do maintenance such as version information of each *.nuspec file.
    • Also, match the version information of AssemblyInfo file with the above version information.
      (For .NET Standard, set version information in *.csproj file)
  • The NuGet package is output to the following folder.
    • pp
      The folder in which "primary nupkg" is output.
    • sp
      The folder in which "nupkg nupkg" is output.

Push the package

The following steps are carried out when pushing to the server.
(It is not necessary when deploying it on a local package source such as file sharing.)

Push Primary Package to NuGet Server

  • Set the NuGet API key in the following *.bat file,

  • Run the *.bat file and push it to the NuGet server.

Push SymbolPackage to Symbol server

  • Set the API key of NuGet In the following *.bat file,

  • Run the *.bat file and push it to the Symbol server.