Home - OpenTouryoProject/OpenTouryo GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the OpenTouryoProject / OpenTouryo wiki!
This is a English page.
Click here for Japanese version of this file.
For Open Touryo users, the various tutorials are ready!
As we are pressed for time, some images in the following tutorials are only displayed in Japanese.
Web application (ASP.NET)
- ASP.NET Web Forms edition
- ASP.NET MVC edition
- ASP.NET single page application (SPA) edigion
Client server application
- Two-tier client server application edition
- Three-tier client server application edition
- Dynamic parameterized query analytical tool edition
- Table maintenance screen automatic generator edition
- Automatic screen generation with sql join statements edition
- Template development edition
- Workflow edition
- Coming soon.
External links
For more information of Open Touryo, visit the following sites. (The following sites are only displayed in Japanese.)
- Open Touryo Wiki
http://opentouryo.osscons.jp/ - .NET Development Infrastructure Committee Wiki
http://dotnetdevelopmentinfrastructure.osscons.jp/ - Information about Microsoft technology Wiki