Getting Started With Commands - OpenSrcerer/thermostat GitHub Wiki

Thermostat's commands are comprised of four different parts:

Thermostat's Command Format

Thermostat's command system was highly inspired by Linux command lines. If you have worked with them before, you will find yourself at home. But even if you have not, the system is quite intuitive.

  • Prefix - The Prefix is what separates Thermostat from seeing regular words as commands. It is the first part of an action that precedes the command.

  • Command - The name of the command that you want to execute. You can find a list of these here.

  • Switches - Switches tell Thermostat specifics about the command. For example, if you wanted to monitor a channel, the switch --on would tell Thermostat to monitor that channel, and --off would do the opposite. A switch may or may not require arguments.

  • Arguments - Arguments always come after a switch, but they are not needed in every command. Example: The command getmonitor does not require switches nor arguments, but the command chart requires the argument -t. There may be one or more arguments.

See the list of commands and examples here.