Command Syntax & Examples - OpenSrcerer/thermostat GitHub Wiki
Command Purpose: Monitor or unmonitor channels in your Guild. Switches:
→ Enable monitoring. -
→ Disable monitoring. -
-c <channel1/category1> <channel2/category2> ...
→ Specify the channels or categories to monitor. -
→ Perform this action to ALL the channels in your Guild.
Description: Monitoring is the primary feature of Thermostat. When you monitor a channel, Thermostat will change the slowmode of the channel if the messages in a channel are being sent at a high rate.
Command Purpose: Sets the sensitivity level for the channel. Requires a value that is larger than 0, you may use decimal numbers.
[-s] <sensitivity>
→ New value of sensitivity to set. -
-c <channel1/category1> <channel2/category2> ...
→ Specify the channels or categories to modify.
Description: The sensitivity for a channel is a specific value that shows how easily Thermostat responds to many messages coming in. The higher the sensitivity, the easier for Thermostat to increase slowmode. Setting the value to a number larger than one will expand the limits of increasing slowmode by a factor of that number. View the table below for an example.
Sensitivity | Time to enable slowmode compared to default |
0.25 | Quarter as fast |
0.5 | Half as fast |
2 | Twice as fast |
4 | Four times as fast |
The sensitivity you pick doesn't have to be from this table! Experiment and find the one suitable for you.
Command Purpose: Sets the upper and lower bounds for the slowmode of the channel.
[-m] <minimum>
→ Set the minimum slowmode bound. -
[-M] <maximum>
→ Set the maximum slowmode bound. -
-c <channel1/category1> <channel2/category2> ...
→ Specify the channels to apply this action to.
Description: When you set slowmode bounds, the automatic slowmode Thermostat will apply will stay within the bounds you have set.
Command Purpose: Sets the Caching Size for your Guild.
[-s] <size>
→ New value of Caching Size to set. -
-c <channel1/category1> <channel2/category2> ...
→ Specify the channels or categories to modify.
Description: Caching Size represents the number of messages that need to be sent before Thermostat adjusts the slowmode of a channel. The default caching size is 10, meaning that Thermostat will change the slowmode every 10 messages. Using this command, you can change the caching size to a number sitting inclusively between 5 and 100.
Command Purpose: Enables/Disables the inappropriate language filter for a channel. Switches:
→ Enable filtering. -
→ Disable filtering. -
-c <channel1/category1> <channel2/category2> ...
→ Specify the channels or categories to filter. -
→ Perform this action to ALL the channels in your Guild.
Description: Just like Monitoring, Filtering will make Thermostat constantly keep an eye on the channel. However, with Filtering enabled, Thermostat will delete an inappropriate as soon as it is sent and will replace it with a Webhook message, matching the author's profile picture, nickname, with the inappropriate words removed.
Command Purpose: Shows different charts about your Guild. Switches:
→ Type of chart to show. -
-c <channel1/category1> <channel2/category2> ...
→ Specify the channels or categories for charts that support multiple channels.
Chart Type | Description | Multiple Channels |
slowfreq | Shows how many times your channels have been slowmoded | No |
Description: Thermostat collects non-sensitive data about your channel which can be displayed at your convenience in a stylish way. This is the way to access that data.
Command Purpose: Retrieve a list of channels that are being Monitored or Filtered.
- None
Description: Get Thermostat to post an Embed containing a list of Monitored and Filtered messages.
Command Purpose: Post an interactive reaction help menu.
-c <commandname>
→ Type of command to show specific information about. Commandname can be the name of any of these commands.
Description: Post a reaction help menu. Navigate the menu by reacting to the message.
Command Purpose: Show settings for a specific channel.
-c <channel>
→ Specify the channel to retrieve settings for.
Description: Post an embed that shows the settings about a channel (Monitoring/Filtering/Sensitivity/Bounds).
Command Purpose: Manages Thermostat's prefix in the server.
-p <prefix>
→ Specify a new prefix for your guild. -
→ Reset Thermostat's prefix to the default.
Description: Post an embed that shows the settings about a channel (Monitoring/Filtering/Sensitivity/Bounds).
Command Purpose: Shows links to vote for Thermostat on different bot listing sites. Thank you for your support!
- None.
Description: Post an embed that contains links to bot listing sites where you can find Thermostat on.
Command Purpose: Gets an invite link for Thermostat.
- None.
Description: Provides an invite link to Thermostat's support server. Also contains a link to directly invite the bot!