JEDI GrandChallenge - OpenSourceSarsCoV2/LivingResourceReview GitHub Wiki
Short description
The Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI) is a search for breakthrough technologies in the European Union. The GrandChallenge is a three stage campaign for the development of lead compounds against multiple SARS-CoV-2 targets. Stage 1 is an open competition that focuses on in silico screening of compounds against high-resolution protein structures. Teams use simulation approaches (e.g. molecular dynamics, deep learning, docking, etc.) to score libraries of compounds against a chosen target. By comparing multiple different approaches errors can be averaged out and the best compounds for each protein target chosen for progression to the next stage. Stage 2 is an in vitro screening stage focussing on identifying the compounds from Stage 1 that provide 99% viral suppression. Teams must provide experimental evidence for this through either selective testing, high-throughput screening or smart combinatorial methods. Stage 3 is the in vivo screening stage aimed at finding novel drug combinations. This stage is run independently from the first two stages but lead compounds from those stages may be incorporated in this stage (provided they have been FDA-approved). Following the conclusion of each stage, the top-ranked team will be awarded a cash prize (€250,000 in both Stage 1 and 2, and up to €1,000,000 in Stage 3).
Links and references
JEDI Grand Challenge: