Idea Stack - OpenSourceInternetV2/Project-Internet-2.0 GitHub Wiki

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The following is the list of ideas proposed by the people to us. We listen to everyone. We respond to everyone. So if you have an idea regarding the new Internet we are designing, go ahead and get in touch with us. Your ideas and opinions are important to us.

I was thinking for now lets not worry about complicated networking and encryption and let others take that on.

What I am thinking of is a simple way for people to send and receive information acting as individual servers

One of the biggest problems is say everyone is a server then government can go to a "Local internet host" and eavesdrop in a local cable provider. I was thinking we can make a torrent file something supper small and a user can pick up on that update from a the user he or she is communicating with

don't think hidden because that will always have vulnerabilities. In stead think of PGP keys.

Unique IDs that is distributed only to two people or more in a convo So lets say for a moment I want to talk to you

11/10, 5:59pm

full gnupg with the server? its like a combined kerberos/pub-priv key sys

11/10, 5:59pm

yes very much like well lets say your name is " " and my name is " " I can search you on a live updated list hosted for everyone to download. Every user is issued a random id with a long list of numbers and letters maybe even symbols the id never changes but user names can change at any time But how it works is just like the piratebay

you can fit the entire database on a thumb drive.

in infract even torrent files can be simply magnet links So if we have a convo I look up your name or id and you look up mine and I can send you a text or any info that only you can open because its unique to you kind of like an IP or a UUID you can create a program or programs of any kind like say tweet deck to receive streams

11/10, 6:06pm

numbers/letters/symbols.. unicode comes out at like ffff so number base ffff its the first layer of compression, number base to binary support is a compiled algorythm in supported apps with very fast method to arch er not supported apps but, when u compile it accounts for base....

11/10, 6:07pm

and when I said app this can be anything its like having a browser. not really a detected app per say.

11/10, 6:08pm

like, binary is 2 base only symbols 0 1, dec 0-9, hex +abcdf.. but u can use unicode thats 0-0xffff amount of symbol range

11/10, 6:09pm

I wonder how IRC operates. I'd like to take that concept but instead of using a server let the chat storage rely on each user.

it would be dynamic without a central server.

11/10, 6:10pm

like a dynamic IP adress?

11/10, 6:10pm

it would be like a random meshed token ring without a central server well at least till address's known to each client

11/10, 6:12pm

but no matter what program or OS you use a torrent file is universal

11/10, 6:13pm

utorrent or transmission is the best programs I can think of programed under python.

11/10, 6:14pm

python is good, easy to learn, and secure yea... its on the same level as ruby somewhat

11/10, 6:15pm

I like ruby but its really googles playground

11/10, 6:17pm

But As for python I don't think id get a lot of resistance from developers in the open source communities but it is kind of a newer language

11/10, 6:21pm

its a good net protocol, random mesh parity/redundancy i/o the filling system part?

11/10, 6:23pm

one thing I like about torrent files is it doesn't rely on a creator of any kind to host the file or be attached to it.

Hence the idea of making things like wikileaks more safe for people to share info and distribute information.

so an anonymous user can create a new ID and upload a file anywhere connected with a torrent file

11/10, 6:25pm

torrent apps only require ssl lib's everything else is in the code itself.. diff tor apps could use diff tor mechanisms for anything. its just a specification for the network handshake and transfer it seems.. no standard library for that part it looks like same for the file i/o

11/10, 6:26pm Download - Enhanced CTorrent The preferred download mechanism is now the SourceForge File Release page. All new files will be available there for convenient downloading from a mirror site near to you.

11/10, 6:26pm

is probably the source u/wed want to look at let me check the licensing

11/10, 6:27pm spec of the protocol BitTorrentSpecification - Wiki BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol designed by Bram Cohen. Visit his pages at BitTorrent is designed to facilitate file transfers among multiple peers across unreliable networks.

11/10, 6:28pm

the only major divergence between how a browser and net functions is like an internet catch. the files will be stored on the hosts computer IE a web page and will be distributable via the public like a normal torrent file. the more hosts the faster the internet. for this you need an automated program to redundantly open and display information the way users want it. a very decent amount of torrent stuff in python to work with

11/10, 6:35pm

But for web pages all files will be packaged like a mac program. Where the program files are self contained. A lot like game mods. skyrim rings a bell when it comes to mods. as long as the file is sent to the designated folder the program can read and open it accordingly. so say a folder called "chat" will be open up in a chat utility. folder called video will automatically displayed in a video utility. and a "web page" folder will host web pages but each page will consist of files with in an excitable file like in a mac program. if you rite click on a program you can see something called "view content" or something like that. in that folder it will have a series of sub folders such as images, videos, text, codes and so on. so you can edit or modify content.

11/10, 6:37pm

transmissionrpc 0.11 2 Python module that implements the Transmission bittorent client RPC protocol.

all we need is to mod the torrent file so that it can be made public or private. and be directed as a media type to be automatically opened by a program.

11/10, 6:47pm

But as far as the p2p net goes my second part is creating a database that is auto updating and non biased. so everyone will become a google search engine

11/10, 6:48pm

the files I estimate would run 6 gb if index every web page on the net. not counting Deep web

11/10, 6:49pm

just a routing map of ipv4 inside the usa is about 700gigs in mysql web pages would use less though.

11/10, 6:50pm

when you make a file public it is sent to a server that anyone can download and get updates. much like what has been seen with peer guardian in the past

but get this you never have to register a web site because the owner will be a user with random numbers not letters so a person can have the same name but different ids

11/10, 7:00pm

But like peer guardian I liked the aspect that the user can block cretin types of sites or content simply by not accepting types of magnet links. So say for a school they can have a censored version of the web where no one can look up porn

yes I was thinking why not keep it simple but let the boundaries be natural.

let the people control the web.

11/10, 7:02pm

block * allow "history, math," etc?

11/10, 7:02pm

so you can be a total quaker and have the web at your disposal and block every thing you deem as evil lol.

as for the torrent file naming it goes this way

11/10, 7:11pm

User id | Name of User | site title| Media type ie video, web page, chat, audio... | name of story "I_Have_a_new_dog_named_scruffy." Under score is for spaces. | then tags "Dog" "Puppy" "Pound"... | Category IE news, blog ... | Sub category IE science fiction, animals, love, relationships, ...

11/10, 7:12pm

Oh and Public or private IE send it to a server and you can choose what server to update it too or choose what user to update it too If you trust someone you can accept the updates or auto accept the messages or files and like sharing links with people I can share a magnet link.

11/10, 7:19pm

I'd also like to see master syncing So I can choose many servers to link up with to update a master web list You can buffer videos

Uturrent does this already

11/10, 7:23pm

the master web list is the same thing as serial reader aka serial box

iSerial Reader - TPB Login | Register | Language / Select language | About | Legal threats | BlogContact us | Usage policy | Downloads | Promo | Doodles | Tag Cloud | Forum | PirateBrowserBayfiles | BayImg | PasteBay | Proxy | Follow TPB on Twitter | Follow TPB on Facebook

11/10, 7:24pm uTorrent Adds Video Streaming Support | TorrentFreak uTorrent – the client of choice for most western BitTorrent users – has added the option to stream video files while downloading. With this new functionality, BitTorrent Inc. hopes to provide the 'point-click-watch' experience people have grown used to from their usage of streaming sites such as You...

11/10, 7:25pm

a download is a download and I was thinking of U streem

you can send a torrent file with an infinite download IE a start but no end and designate it as a linear download not a download that works in fraction this way many people can download at the same time and will be very fast at the end of the video the user will stop the upload and the file will be completed. like a period at the end of a sentience. and the torrent file will be updated maybe or two torrent files one infinite and the other completed the infinite file will be dead when stopped

11/10, 7:33pm

end goal idea, take torrent into a "overlay over existing internet" as a self contained media and information portal

Same thing with u stream does this only difference is downloaders will have the stored video

11/10, 7:36pm

python is cat 3

11/10, 7:37pm

5 is AI level languages, like lisp, haskell

11/10, 7:38pm

1 is assembler, 2 is object/block (c++) to compile, 3 is interpreted but can also be compiled.

11/10, 7:39pm

I don't see this scripting getting too complicated only when apps run like net browsers and use automated scripting like macs automator does But once the simple protocol is developed I can't see why ai interface can't happen But you are talking about very advanced ai stuff there

11/10, 7:42pm

ai isn't really all that, its really just lexical analysis.. so much can apply to it.. speaking to ur computer and saying turn on is ai in a sense.

** a project aimed at upgrading bitorrent specification/protocall, **

"Define 2nd generation Bittorrent protocol with social networking, recommendation, tag-based navigation, distributed moderation, and real-time streaming. Remove .torrent, tracker, and website from architecture. Create reference implement. with ABC project "

duno, its in alpha stage... but might allready have allot of what u want done...

VPN like functionality

OpenVPN gives us the technology to "virtualize" all communication on Windows desktop. It is Open Source and has a sub system called TAP which provides this functionality. Source code is avaliable here.