How to improve pedal distance to frame Q factor - OpenSourceEBike/TSDZ2_wiki GitHub Wiki
The TSDZ2 right pedal crank has a big distance to the bicycle frame center (Q-factor) compared to the left pedal crank and this makes an awkward feeling of sitting off centre even though you are being straight on the saddle. You can improve this (reducing 65%) by installing a right pedal crank from standard Bafang BSS mid drive motor, that you can buy online from many shops like Ebay or Aliexpress.
Here an example of TSDZ2 installed with original pedal cranks - left side:
Right side:
Here is the distance from the TSDZ2 original pedal cranks to my bicycle frame:
- left side: 20mm
- right side: 37mm
- TSDZ2 original right pedal crank: 37mm
- Bafang BSS right pedal crank: 26mm

Right side with original TSDZ2 pedal crank:

Right side with standard Bafang BSS pedal crank: