Media Service - OpenSlides/OpenSlides GitHub Wiki

The media service stores mediafile (and resource data). It provides internal upload_* routes where the action service can upload data. With the get* routes, clients can download resources.


 * Saves a mediafile (encoded as base64) into this service.
 * Technical:
 * POST to /internal/media/upload_mediafile/ with JSON payload.
 * Returns 200 on success, 4xx on errors with a message in the payload.
upload_mediafile(file: string, id: Id, mimetype: string): {message: string} | void

 * Retrieves a mediafile given by it's id.
 * Technical:
 * GET to /system/media/get/<mediafile_id>
 * Returns 200 on success and 404, if the resource does not exist
get(mediafile_id: Id): Blob
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️