Countdowns - OpenSlides/OpenSlides GitHub Wiki

Countdowns are used for counting down time on projectors. Mostly related to a speaker, which time is limited.

Countdowns have three fields, which indicates the state of the countdown:

  • reset: running is false and countdown_time==default_time
  • started (or running): running is true and countdown_time!=default_time
  • stopped (or paused): running is false and countdown_time!=default_time

The default_time holds the time in seconds a fresh started countdown should have. If default_time == 0, the countdown should be counting up instead of down and should be displayed in black.

countdown_time is different:

  • In the reset state, it is equal to default_time, so it mostly holds a small number (like 60). This is used to differentiate this state to the stopped one.
  • In the stopped state countdown_time holds the remaining seconds
  • In the running state countdown_time holds a unix-timestamp of the date where the countdown will reach 0.

To get the current countdown time in seconds for a running countdown, you have to subtract the current time from countdown_time.

Countdowns are not directly controlled by the server (there are no dedicated actions). The client controls the countdown with projector_countdown.update since the client can update running and countdown_time.

A meeting has two special countdowns: The list of speaker countdown (meeting/list_of_speakers_countdown_id) and the poll countdown (meeting/poll_countdown_id). Both countdowns are almost like "normal" countdowns, but they cannot be deleted and are auto-created when a meeting gets created. They are used for the LOS/voting respectively. The coupling is controlled with meeting/list_of_speakers_couple_countdown and meeting/poll_couple_countdown.

How to control a countdown

start a countdown

Set running to true and countdown_time to countdown_time + current_timestamp. Since countdown time holds the remaining seconds in the reset or stepped state, default_time must not be used.

stop a countdown

Set running to false and countdown_time to countdown_time - current_timestamp.

reset a countdown

Set running to false and countdown_time to default_time.

restart a countdown

Set running to true (the countdown may not be started before) and set the countdown_time to default_time + current_timestamp.

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