Archived Meetings - OpenSlides/OpenSlides GitHub Wiki


Meetings can be archived for historical reasons and there is only a limited number of active meetings.

Relevant model fields

  • organization/limit_of_meetings gives the maximum amount of meetings in this organization, a value < 1 means unlimited meetings
  • organization/active_meeting_ids is the list of currently active meetings
  • meeting/is_active_in_organization_id indicates whether the meeting is active (1) or not (null)

Functionality in the backend service

  • archiving and unarchiving is done via meeting.archive and meeting.unarchive
  • changing organization/limit_of_meetings is only allowed with OML superadmin (see organization.update)
  • All data in an archived meeting cannot be changed by anyone, even OML superadmin has to use meeting.unarchive first
  • Cascading delete actions from external objects can change data in archived meetings
  • Creating a new meeting is not allowed if organization/limit_of_meetings > 0 and len(organization/active_meetings) >= organization/limit_of_meetings
  • don't return archived meetings by presenter get_forwarding_meetings
  • limit_of_meetings must also be checked when importing or cloning meetings
  • creating a meeting sets the field is_active_in_organization_id to the current organization's id (1)
  • archived meetings are ignored during user scope calculation

Funcionality in the client

  • Archived meetings could be seen as usual, but could not be changed in any way
  • It is not possible to start a conference within an archived meeting
  • Views with choices of meetings should have a limitation to active meetings, where archived meetings are not eligible and vice versa. On organization level one can use the active_meeting_ids-field.
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