OSMOOC Infrastructure Overview - OpenScienceMOOC/Main GitHub Wiki
- TIB is managing the donation made by codeocean, about 1400 € left (April 2020), contact lambert heller for questions.
- Main domain: https://opensciencemooc.eu
- currently registered with GoDaddy, domain pointed to reclaimhosting nameservers, administered by Toby
- collection of secondary domains including
registered with namecheap.com, will expire Dec 2020/Jan 2021
- hosted with reclaimhosting, install of RoundCube open source-Mailer
- existing addresses: [email protected] and [email protected]
- TechC: Toby; access to email accounts, see December 2019 Community Update: Lisa Hehnke, Jo Havemann, Tobias Steiner
NB attached to this email account: - youtube - ...
Mailchimp / Tinyletter
- https://tinyletter.com/
- Mailing list subscription field on OSMOOC main page
- https://osmooc.herokuapp.com/
- = automated sign-up for the Slack channel
- https://open-science-mooc-invite.herokuapp.com/ (GitHub Invite To OpenScienceMOOC)?
- who has admin access to either of these?
- https://twitter.com/OpenScienceMOOC
- Lisa and Erzsébet
Slack channel
- check workspace Admin and Owner status: Paola and Jon !! are owners. 18 admins (julien, danny, rutger,... https://openmooc-ers.slack.com/admin)
- check integrations
Community Calendar
- https://cal.opensciencemooc.eu (used to be cal.flavoursofopen.science)
- blog based on combination of WordPress & The Events Calendar plugin to allow collaborative collection of events on all topics around Open Scholarship
- anyone can add events, how-to see https://cal.opensciencemooc.eu/about/
- hosted with Toby's personal reclaimhosting account
- new events on the Community Calendar are automatically published to #event channel via commercial if-this-then-that service Zapier (setup by Toby)
- plans to also link to Twitter for wider dissemination of new events via Zapier
- experimental plans included setup of self-hosted open source-alternative Huginn to have own IFTTT service and link this instead with Mattermost & Twitter (see experimental below) once productive
- One-year free sponsorship under their Open Source tier, running through Feb 2021
- registered to [email protected]
- currently administered by Toby
experimental Moodle test install
- on edu.opensciencemooc.eu
- hosted with personal reclaimhosting account by Toby
- offline
- course info locally saved by Toby
Translation via Crowdin
- registered with [email protected], username
by Toby - successful application for the Open Source scheme which allows use of full set of features without costs
- The OSMOOC does have a YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuRYnv28aGLz6iyxduJhf9g
- 324 subscribers, 27 videos so far
- Login details: attached to the email address
experimental Mattermost install
- running on EGI servers that were thought to be part of an initiative to bring this closer to EOSC, Toby has details re: server hosting, will shut down within the next few weeks (April 2020)
- application setup & administration by Danny
- UPDATE: as of May 2020, the EGI setup has been shut off, so the MM install doesn't exist any more
badgr account
[email protected] and Julien Colomb are owners of the open science mooc issuer https://badgr.com/issuers/5e830c04d1239976d50ccafc/staff