Eliademy - OpenScienceMOOC/Main GitHub Wiki


  1. Read all about it at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/qa-eliademy-shutdown-sotirios-makrygiannis/

  2. What happens to my courses and student data?

Your data are stored in our shutdown servers, the servers have not been deleted. Your data are safe for the time being. You can send a request to [email protected] in order to request a back up in PDF or export the course in Moodle format. However, this backup retrieval service is manual work and we need to pay someone to do it. Thus we will need to charge you 500 euros for all your courses. Eliademy didn't have an export course function, we did not think that we need one.

  • should we take 500 EUR from our current budget to pay for this?


  • we secure our data and course structure in Moodle format and can simply transfer to another Moodle-based instance
  • we secure user data and contacts to keep those people engaged in our future OSMOOC course and outreach initiatives


  • we have a backup of the content on Github - please note that many changes and additions were made directly on the Eliademy platform and thus will be lost (who said this? I am quite sure this was not the case)