User Stories - OpenScienceChain/OSC-IS_Doc GitHub Wiki

US Identifier US Name Description Responsible Implemented?
US0001 Create a Project As a PI of a research group, I want to be able to create or initialize a project in the network so my group and I can start submitting data to the ledger Fernando X
US0002 Create a Group As a PI of a research group, I want to be able to create or initialize a Group within a project so my group and I can start submitting data to the ledger Fernando X
US0003 Create a User As a PI of a research group, I would like to create users in the Organization, so that they can start performing transactions and reading data from the PDC and the Ledger. Fernando X
US0004 Add User to a Group As a PI of a research group, I would like to add users to different groups in my project, so that they can start performing transactions and reading data from the PDC and the Ledger. Fernando X
US0005 Remove User from Group As a PI of a research group, I want to be able to remove an existing user from an existing group so that the user loses his privileges provided by the group. Fernando X
US0006 Create Schema in PDC As a user of a project, I want to submit a schema to the PDC of the project so that it is used to validate new incoming data from the project. Fernando X
US0007 Read schema from PDC As a user of the project, I want to be able to read and retrieve an already submitted schema in the PDC so that I can read its content and I can use it to validate new Data structs Fernando X
US0008 Submit Data to the Public Ledger As a user of the project and as a member of the Admin group, I want to be able to submit data to the public ledger on behalf of my project. Fernando X
US0009 Update Data Sample As a user who submitted data to the ledger or as a member of the admin group of a project, I want to be able to edit/update submitted data in the ledger so that we can correct mistakes we made at the time of submission Fernando X
US0010 Read Data from the Ledger As a user of a project, I want to be able to read data from the ledger so I can check information about my research project and other research projects. Fernando X