2022 09 16 Meeting Minutes - OpenNavigationSurface/crs_specification GitHub Wiki

Attendees: Jack, Andre, Chris and Glen

  1. Review of action items from previous meeting
    1. Experiment with IPython Notebook to test use of BoundCRS with GDAL
  2. Action Items:
    1. Further testing with BoundCRS
      1. Do transformations with BoundCRS work? Test with pyproj - Jack
      2. What happens if you assign a BoundCRS to a GeoTIFF in GDAL? - Glen
      3. Round out the recommendations for discussion next week - Glen will finish initial thoughts and notify all when complete.
      4. All will review recommendations
  3. Notes:
    1. We think sticking with PROJ string to accommodate a concatenated operation in the abridged transformation for a BoundCRS is acceptable.