Example in VB.NET - OpenMacroBoard/StreamDeckSharp GitHub Wiki

This is the VB.NET version of the example called "Austria". It was automatically converted from C# to VB.NET using this tool: http://converter.telerik.com/

I made a manual correction (because the converter got it wrong) in the for loop and changed the division operator from / to \. The integer division is just used as a mathematical trick to calculate the row number more information about integer division here:

Imports StreamDeckSharp

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        'Create some color we use later to draw the flag of austria
        Dim red = StreamDeckKeyBitmap.FromRGBColor(237, 41, 57)
        Dim white = StreamDeckKeyBitmap.FromRGBColor(255, 255, 255)
        Dim rowColors = New StreamDeckKeyBitmap() {red, white, red}

        'Open the Stream Deck device
        Using deck = StreamDeck.FromHID()

            'Send the bitmap informaton to the device
            For i As Integer = 0 To deck.NumberOfKeys - 1
                'Note: \ is an integer division operator
                deck.SetKeyBitmap(i, rowColors(i \ 5))
        End Using
    End Sub
End Module