How To Set Up A Development Environment - OpenMRS-Australia/openmrs-cpm GitHub Wiki

Webapp Development



  • Once the source code for the cpm module has been cloned, go to the root directory and run (Mac or *nix may require sudo):

    $ npm install -g

Eclipse Setup [obsolete?]

  • Import OpenMRS into Eclipse as a maven project
  • Setup a Maven run configuration:
    • Add the goal jetty:run
    • Add the following recommended jvm args to the "JRE" tab: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:NewSize=128m
    • Optional: To allow the module to be debugged add the necessary module folders in the "Source" tab of the run configuration

Streamlining edit-compile-run cycle

Option 1: Adding modules directly to core code's webapp directory

  • Link/copy the module's build artifact to <openmrs>/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/bundledModules I've added an ant task to the module's pom to remove the old artifact from bundledModules and copy the new one across rather than use a softlink as the build number keeps changing. See below for the snippet.
  • To include bundledModules to Jetty's auto reload scanpath, add <scanTarget>src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/bundledModules</scanTarget> to the jetty config in <openmrs>/webapp/pom.xml.

Option 2: Using OMOD Reloader

  • Install the OMOD Reloader module into your test OpenMRS instance
  • Restart OpenMRS with the flag: -Domodreloader.paths=/path/to/openmrs-cpm/omod/target
    • With maven & jetty this is done with export MAVEN_OPTS="-Domodreloader.paths=...."
  • Whenever the omod file in the target directory is updated, the OMOD reloader will reload the OpenMRS context

Running from Command Line

  • Set recommended memory for jetty with (in bash): export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:NewSize=128m"
  • Run mvn jetty:run from <openmrs-dir>/webapp
    • Jetty port can be changed with -Djetty.port=8000
  • Optional: attach a debugger with: export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=4000,server=y,suspend=y" (ref

Ant task for copying build artifact


  • Do a mvn clean after the build number changes so as not to copy older omods across
  • For some reason the ant task wasn't executing from within Eclipse so for now I'm running on the command line
  • When packaging the module speed up the cycle, skip the tests with mvn -DskipTests=true package

Below is the ant task that I've added to the module's omod/pom.xml (it must be added to omd/pom.xml!)

Add the following to <dependencies>


Add the following to <build><pluginManagement><plugins>. (added by Michael Lee, because my Ant target didn't fire without this)


Add the following to <build><plugins> and update with the openmrs dir.

            <fileset dir="openmrs-dir/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/bundledModules">
              <include name="cpm*.omod"/>
          <copy todir="openmrs-dir/webapp/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/bundledModules">
            <fileset dir="target">
              <include name="*.omod"/>

How to auto login

  • Not sure how to get FF or Chrome to differentiate between urls in a domain but LastPass does and auto logs in
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