README breakdown - OpenLiberty/draft-guides-template GitHub Wiki

Front Matter breakdown

:page-layout: guide-multipane

  • The page-layout is required and is set to guide-multipane

:projectid: template

  • The project id is the part of the git repository after the guide- or the github repo name without the guide- prefix

:page-duration: 15 minutes

  • The page-duration provides an estimate of how long the guide will take to go through.

:page-description: Learn how to create a todo list API as a REST service using JAX-RS, and Open Liberty.

:page-releasedate: 2018-05-14

  • The page release date provides the date when the guide is published. The format is YYYY-MM-DD.
  • If you are not certain about the page release date yet, please keep the default date that comes with the template.
  • Do not replace the date with YYYY-MM-DD.

:page-related-guides: ['cdi-intro', 'rest-intro']

  • The page related guides must be specifies with the unique name of the guide that is used in the permalink.

:page-guide-category: microprofile

  • The page guide category must be set to one of: basic, microprofile, none and must be defined.


  • The guide can be put into the essentials section of a category.

page-essential-order: 3

  • The page essential order can only be set if page-essential is set to true
  • This is a number used to sort the guide from left to right in the essentials section of a category

:page-permalink: /guides/{projectid}

  • The page permalink specifies the slug in the website, it must be unique.


  • The common includes sources the common page elements, clone [email protected]:OpenLiberty/guides-common.git.

:page-seo-title: Creating a REST service

  • The SEO title for the guide

:page-seo-description: Find out how to create a REST service on Open Liberty

  • The SEO description for the guide

:guide-author: Open Liberty

  • The default of the author value is Open Liberty but if you are a non-IBM contributor you would put your name here.


:page-tags: ['MicroProfile', 'Maven', 'Java EE', 'Gradle']

  • The page-tags must be one of the following tags: [microprofile, maven, docker, kubernetes, gradle, jakartaee], please provide relevant tags for your guide.

The new way to add page tags to the guide is by adding it as a JSON object in the guide_tags.json file.

Lastly, when publishing the guide, it must be added to the guide_categories.json file.