Master Template - OpenLMIS/open-lmis GitHub Wiki

Master R&R Template


  1. Column Display
  2. Column Labels
  3. Column Position/Order
  4. Column Source ( Only for two columns: Total Consumed Quantity and Stock on Hand)

Mandatory Fields:

  1. Product Code
  2. Product Description
  3. Units of Issue

Business Rules for configuration:

  1. Source can be “Derived” between Total Consumed Quantity and Stock on Hand for only one column at a time
  2. If one need to “Derive” Total Consumed Quantity© then Beginning balance (A), Quantity received (B), Losses/Adjustments (D) and Stock In hand (E) need to be captured.
  3. If one need to “Derive” Stock In hand (E) then Beginning balance (A), Quantity received (B), Total Consumed Quantity© and Losses/Adjustments (D) need to be captured.
  4. If Total Consumed Quantity and Stock on Hand both are “User Input” Admin can choose to turn Arithmetic Validation ON/OFF
  5. If Stock out days (X) are captured then Consumption data should be Normalized (N) and Vice Versa
  6. If user is allowed to Request Quantity (Q) other then Calculated then Reason (T) should be must and Vice versa

Global variables used in R&R computation:

S No Field Variable Indicator Notes
1 CurrentlyApplicableMaxMonths MaxMonthsStock found in FacilityApprovedProductList table
2 No of Months In Reporting Period M will be in the ProcessingPeriods table
3 Doses per month No of doses per month in ProgramProducts table
4 Doses per Dispensing Unit G in Products table
5 PackSize PackSize in Products table
6 Price Price in ProgramProducts table
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